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If you have experienced betrayal by your partner, it is his or her responsibility to address their behavior and get help. However, it can be beneficial for you to seek help with professional therapy to assist you in overcoming the crisis of betrayal trauma

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Finding out that you have been betrayed by your partner is probably the most painful thing you have ever experienced. The very person who was supposed to be a source of comfort and safety has now become the cause of pain and danger. This is the unique pain of betrayal trauma.


The life you knew, the life you thought you knew, no longer feels real. Assumptions that you’ve lived with are now questions.


The pain is so deep that it can be disorienting. You may feel disoriented at times, lose your train of thought and vacillate between pain, rage, fear and anxiety.


Often, a partner is left isolated and alone because they are fearful of who to share this immensely painful experience with. Intense shame might hold you back from getting the support you need from your family or friends.

There are so many questions and decisions that seemingly need to be made. The first thing you need to do, before anything is to start feeling safe again.


Contact us today for support and a free consultation.

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